Preassembling of the Stator for Turbine Unit 3 at the Isimba (183 MW) hydropower project has been concluded. The stator is the stationary part of the generator unit. The Isimba (183 MW) HPP has got four Turbine units each with an output of 45.8 MW. Upon its completion, the total expected output will be 183.2 MW. This process of preassembling of the stator to the unit involved lifting it with the Electrical Overhead Traveling (EOT) crane to unit 3 pit where it was positioned for the second stage concreting. Later, the Stator will be covered in a dust free environment to prepare it for winding. Winding is the process of placing wire windings into the stator body. It plays a complementary role in the final hydroelectric power generation in the following way. This happens when a current carrying conductor (rotor) cuts through a rotating magnetic field produced by motion and excitation of the rotor. This results in the production of the Electro-Motive Force (EMF) also known as “electricity” on the stator.
The isimba Project timeline was scheduled at 40 months; currently the project is at Month 35 as per schedule, the project will be commissioned in August 2018. To date, two turbine units have been fitted with the electro mechanical and hydro mechanical components of the Turbines.
In a February 28th 2018 tour of the Project, Dr. Eng. Badru M, Kiggundu- Chairperson Project Steering Committee PSC reaffirmed the project to be on schedule. “If the EPC contractor needs a contract extension, they must notify the owner in time and with justifiable reasons,” he said.